Sunday 29 December 2019


The family muttering and the sounds of a camera taking a photo. Establishing shot of family taking a photo. Protagonist, Sister, Father and Mother. Camera Living room
Alarm Clock ringing Close up shot of alarm showing the time 10.00am None Alarm Clock Bedroom
‘Have you seen mum’ - Alice
‘You know we don’t talk about her in this household!’- Dad
‘Wha..’ (stuttering) - Alice
Alice going downstairs questioning her mothers existence. Her father gives a strong tone back. Alice(protagonist)
Gary (Father)
None Kitchen
Gasping Reaction shot of her fathers tone and confused as to her mothers disappearance Alice None Kitchen
Tea Swirling as well as mother favourite music in the background As Alice runs out see where her mother has gone, she goes into her room where a hot tea is swirling and her favourite music playing in the background seeming her was here recently. Alice Tea
Mother old bedroom
Heavy breathing with eerie sound playing in the background making the setting more tense. As Alice notices her sister is missing from the photo in the previous day. That night a black silhouette of the sister is crawling out from her bed. Alice
Emily (Sister)
None Alice’s room
‘It’s a nice photo isn’t it’ - Dad (in a creepy voice)
‘Where is my sister!!’ - Alice screaming
Alice goes down to living room to see all family photos down stairs. Looking at photo with herself and her dad. The dad creeps up behind her, admiring the photo. Alice
Gary (father)
Photo Living Room
Alarm Clock Ringing Alarm showing its a new day None Alarm Clock Bedroom
Alice muttering Close up of Alice holding the image realising that she is the only one left in the photo. Alice Photo Bedroom
Creepy music The title Silent Voices appears before a black screen. None None None


  •  House = Main Location 
  • Dark rooms
  • Typical teenage girls bedroom
  • Kitchen 
  • Parents Room 
  • Stairs
Our main location is set in an ordinary, average house. We decided this as our audience will be able to relate which will draw them in to watch more. Similarly we have used typical rooms for the parents room and our protagonists (Alice's) room. However, we have used a dark, eerie images creating a spine chilling scene: when the sister is crawling up from underneath the bed. This will be shown in a POV shot which creates personal aspect of the protagonist. All the other images have resembled similar rooms within the house we are filming in, we got images that are similar as can be. The image on the top left is the actual house we will be filming in. 

Tuesday 10 December 2019


I used Pinterest to show our topical social groups for our film, 'Silent Voices'. Pinterest is an easy and simple social media to use and create small visuals to express your ideas. It is a useful planning method when getting our ideas down into photos. We will group our photos together in our  social groups, using photos will give a representation of a realistic idea of what our short film will look like. 

Mothers and Fathers 

We chose this social group to express the relationship between the family and the stereotypical orientation. I have used many photos of young children showing affection towards their parents, this may reflect of the characters younger selves.

Nursing - Mother

The mothers character shows contrast with father figure. Her job connotes and builds a character of the mother, Claire. Nursing shows a caring and passionate side. However, gradually through her years she becomes more distance with the children as she is working over time. In photos I have depicted a nursing outfit, this is very stereotypical outfit which also reflects her caring, warm nature. Once she disappears out of the photo it become an unease setting. The fact that she is a nurse, they are not  people to disappear as they are very reliable and someone who you depend on.

Ethical photographers- Father 
We have also made another blog about the fathers character, researching  and planning about the characters previous job. It is an engaging job to research on which hugely reflects the fathers characteristics. We have used many photos to express what the character has been through as well as his insight of the job. 


We have chose many photos that we thought we associate to our main protagonist, Alice. We have depicted her to be loving, this is shown through the love of pets. The love of books and the work ethic is shown by studying which represents her age and her characters.


Monday 9 December 2019


Story boarding is a very useful way to plan and set out your initial ideas of your project before setting out and begin filming. It becomes a vital part of the process, as you plan and set out the shot types in each scene. This gives you a full picture of lighting, camera shots and sounds when splitting up, as it provides detail throughout each scene. This allows you to go into filming knowing what you want to achieve rather then just making random decisions, which could worsen and make your piece unclear and too confusing.

My group and I worked on our story board which holds the plot and the different camera angles and shots that we are going to use when filming our production. From using this storyboard it helped us structure, form and pre-visualise our motion picture. The storyboard also helped us identify errors at an early stage, these can include incorrect shot types for certain scenes. This helps to reduce disruption during the production phase. Our aim is to engage and hold the audience throughout the whole opening involving visual variety as well as textural. Editing and camera movements can also benefit the narrative to make the structure more clear.