My Final Postcard 

The Front 

The Back


This is where we compare my research of my postcard to my actual final postcard and see the difference. Within my research I composed certain conventions of a Film Postcard, this includes, the Tag Line, Positive Reviews and awards ect. As well as analysing three postcards that advertise their upcoming short. I needed to research the codes and conventions of professional Short Film and use their knowledge to create my own postcard.

The outcome of my postcard has many positive aspects e.g including the house theme colour as well as the tag line, contrasting colours, social media links and many more. However negative feedback has been gathered and this includes the lack of reviews and production credits. Another negative aspect could be that the creation is too simplistic, however simplicity can go a long way and be effective to attract audiences.


Film Postcards

I investigated genre codes and conventions for postcards. Film postcards are hard to track down as there are not many shown on the internet, they are mainly presented in Film Festivals to promote their films in a smaller version presenting many visual engaging the audience. Film Postcards are used for the distribution for films that  don’t have a website and posters due to a lack in their marketing money. They are also compact which makes them easy to hand out to raise awareness for a film rather than a huge poster. 

One of the independent study tasks set in the process of making our short film was to design a postcard. To begin with I analysed the codes and conventions of a film postcard. Here is what I have found when researching postcards. The main facts I have found that postcards are not bulky unlike posters for easier transportation. They are also the perfect size, not too small but not too large. Film postcards are very cheap to produce and so making a mass of them will be no problem. Also when creating a postcard advertisement, it is important to remember that this is often the first time someone is hearing about the film. Therefore, the poster should be designed in a manner that is instantly eye-catching and enticing.

As most high budget film use posters as a way of advertising their film however our task is to make a short film on a very low budget making it more suitable for us to make a postcard. Marketing a film is an expensive strategy for a short film on a low budget meaning that advertising your short film is hard to make it successful. Distribution is either done by handing them out or they have space on the back for an address which means the audience can send them to their friends who can recommend your short films to others.

Conventions of Postcards

There are a few main codes and conventions that are usually

used for film postcards. There are different elements on 

each front and back of the post card. 

On the front:

  • The title of the film –  The title is the most important feature, this is the first thing the audience will see. The title can connote the context of the film which may entice members in and the design should reflect the genre of the film in some way and not be too dull. Any creative element in the logo design will help garner the film that much more attention.
  • Tagline The tagline has to be short and snappy to entice to draw the audience in giving a small taste of the story line. The tagline could be a rhetorical question. This will make audiences think and draw them in even more.
  • Awards  – This information serves to impress the audience with credentials. When people see that a film has gained a lot of attention from different festivals they are more likely to see it because it tells them that the film was good enough to get the recognition.
  • Positive reviews  These also serve to impress the audience, if reviews are negative a big majority will be influenced by this  as it is a sense of reliability and makes people think the film is worth watching.
  • Production credits
    • Crew – writer, director, producer, etc. A famous director can sway the audience to watch the film. This could be the audience liking their style of filming.
    • Production company
Postcard Analysis

Mulberry Child

The Levelling 


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