Saturday 15 February 2020




This is where we compare my research of my postcard to my actual final postcard and see the difference. Within my research I composed certain conventions of a Film Postcard, this includes, the Tag Line, Positive Reviews and awards ect. As well as analysing three postcards that advertise their upcoming short. I needed to research the codes and conventions of professional Short Film and use their knowledge to create my own postcard.

The outcome of my postcard has many positive aspects e.g including the house theme colour as well as the tag line, contrasting colours, social media links and many more. However negative feedback has been gathered and this includes the lack of reviews and production credits. Another negative aspect could be that the creation is too simplistic, however simplicity can go a long way and be effective to
attract audiences.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful piece of creative work that shows a good eye for design and a clear understanding of media language and how meanings are made.
