Wednesday 11 March 2020



This short film is a bout a teenage girl who experiences supernatural events whilst suffering from the losses of her family members. Every day the girl, Alice wakes up and finds a family member missing form her family photo in which she keeps on her wall. However, there is speculation whether she is suffering from mental illness and can't separate reality and imagination. Or it is her father suffering from PTSD from being a war photographer and taking his crippling anxiety and fear out on the family.

Below is my Researching, Planning, and Construction phase for my creation of Silent Voices. I have used various platforms throughout the process such as Twitter, Instagram, Final Cut Pro, Canva and Prezi.

I have also shown my process of the creation on my short film which involved editing, directing  and camera work. 

Editing -I helped throughout the editing phase of Silent voices by adding in the cross dissolves and the voice over audio ect. I mainly helped out with the editing and making of our Film Ident that is shown at the beginning of the Short. Throughout the making of the Ident we faced multiple challenges e.g unable to download the Ident from Giphy so we used QuickTime to screen record rather than downloading the visual. I used various platforms within the making of the Ident which enabled me to gain more knowledge throughout this process. 

Camera Work -We took turns with the Camera Work, however I was unable to show much participation within this sector as I was the protagonist in front of the camera acting in most of the scenes. However, for the scenes that I was not in e.g the scenes with Gary and Emily, I was behind the camera using various camera work such as tracking shots, shot verse shot and over the shoulder shot. 

Directing - I directed for the majority of the time however I also acted in the film as the protagonist, Alice. I was able to do this by directing each scene by a detailed, structured plan for each scene and shot. This made our Short to be fluid and easy to follow through as well as understanding the concept of our film.We used a Shot List to create fluidity and a developed story line. 

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