Tuesday 10 March 2020


Psychology Behind TypeI have researched and constructed the title of our Short through the use of typography and the effect it have on the content. Typography is all about adjusting the text within the design while creating powerful content. It provides attractive appearance and preserves the aesthetic value of your content. It plays a vital role in setting the overall tone of a website, and ensures a great user experience. I found this image very useful to expand my knowledge about different types of font and there meanings behind it. I also found it very enticing how their is psychology behind the font making a personality trait come alive through a visual textual code. So within our Short Film, we wanted to express a bold and a powerful font to create the meaning behind the words Silent Voices. We wanted to express how the father has silenced the daughters from speaking aloud the truth. 

We decided to use this type of font for 'Silent Voices' to catch the audiences attention by making it in bold as well as all the letters in Caps Lock. Caps Locks have been previously used in other famous films such as 'Brides Maids' and 'Shaun Of The Dead'. This shows that there if an influential effect that Caps Locks are used for film titles. The contrasting colours of black and white links to my Film Postcard by carrying the title throughout 
my Promo- Packs.

Before the black out we used the visual codes of the father talking to the doctor about getting Alice sectioned. Silent Voices then fades over the background video which links the content with the meaning of the title.This engages the audiences to connect the two together which increases the engagement and excitement of the Short Film. 

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