Monday 13 January 2020


Hot Seating 

We made a Hot Seating to develop our Protagonist, Alice and her sister Emily. We filmed this on a Canon 370 using a Tri-pod to give a good balance and angle. We also used Final Cut Pro to edit the clips together as well as adding Cross Dissolves to make the transitions as smooth as they can be. We have made a Hot Seating to give further knowledge on the characters personalities this will hugely entice the audiences in.  A hot-seating will help the actresses become more familiar with their role. We asked more personal questions to make the actresses consider the characters more in depth. 

We used the two sisters to show the 
contrast between the two even though they are family. Emily comes across to be the star of the family, the girl who can't do wrong even though she has a sharp and snappy tone to life. Where as Alice has a soft side and wants to please everyone even though she isn't happy herself. The bitterness between the two sisters adds more depth into the average family's relationship. 

We also have used 
minute details such as Alice fidgeting with her hands and her rings to show her anxiousness and unsettling feel towards the counselling session, as well as her scrunched up posture to cover her insecurities. Where as Emily has a bolder appearance with a more open and relaxed character to show her bold personality this is shown by her confidence through her open body language


  1. I was impressed by your work here as the actor had ben really well prepared to respond in role. You have discussed the part that she plays in the film thoroughly and this activity has certainly enable your actor to inhabit the role convincingly. You may be able to find a place for this or part of it on your film website, your film Twitter feed or film FB page. It is smoothly filmed and edited.

  2. You have also brought out the contrasts between Alice and Emily, showing the hidden tensions in the family. The cross-cutting between the two sisters exposes the pretences, 'faces' and unhappinesses. This is an extensive piece of character investigation.
