We have used many sources of previous photographers to express their work and their experiences, such as the website Newseum, content of current winners of the Pulitzer Prize as well as war photographs, a YouTube video of Chris Beale who is a former photographer.
Newseum is one of the oldest and the most prestigious photojournalism programs and competitions in the world. Each year they organise an award, 'Photo of the Year' which recognises excellence in photojournalism, multimedia and visual editing.
Newseum also explored different aspects of the current affairs to educate younger adolescence. The main objective that Newsum want to spread is freedom, and that the role of a free press in major events in history, and how the core freedoms of the First Amendment : religion, speech, press, assembly and petition, apply to their lives.
Newseum has kept up-to date by hosting this award many years running as well as keeping the website up to date by containing many visuals and links they can use to provide information about Newseum; for an example, they have made a YouTube video announcing the new Pulitzer Prize Winner.
2017 Pulitzer Prize Winner 2017.
I have chosen the Pulitzer Prize Winner 2017, because of the realistic touch to the photograph which almost acts to be alive. The emotion behind this is immense. The contrast between the young who's laying still with a tear rolling down his face, looking hopeless; whilst the rushed doctor is panicking to help this child. The effects of the photo being in black and white impacts the emotion behind the photo it will make the shape, lines and textures prominent.
Chris Beale- July 2018
Most intriguing and sophisticated level of investigation into photographers who have faced trauma in their work and who may well be deeply affected. You have been discussing the recent case of the BBC Africa Editor Fergal Keane whose exposure to trauma in conflict zones has affected his mental health. PSD can result in flashbacks and nightmares, and may start drinking too much alcohol or using drugs (including painkillers. People can feel grief-stricken, depressed, anxious, guilty and angry. They may exhibit other behaviours. How does the father figure behave?