These four image shows our development through the making of our Ident. When making our Ident we originally had the idea of having Emily having her finger over her mouth, making a hush sound and looking directly at the camera. We thought this was a great image as it builds up Emily's mysterious,dark character. We also make the video in black and white creates the audience to immerse into the actual image rather the colour distracting the audiences away from the meaning behind the picture.
We created the Ident for our film and named the production studio 'No Name Productions.' The last take of Emily hushing gives a sense that Emily is over watching everything, this convention is shown though the effect of the CCTV camera, which creates a sinister tone. For our last take, we used Giphy to allow us to use the Glitch filter which makes our production name jut back and forth adding an eerie and menacing setting.
However, then we had difficulties when trying to download this GIF, we were unable to do this. We then adapted and used 'QuickTime' to screen record our GIF. QuickTime was an easy and useful software to allow us to produce our final Ident. We then moved all three takes into 'Final Cut Pro', this is where we composed the three clips together making this a smooth transitions of shots.
You and your group experimented creatively with three different iterations of this ident, seeking feedback as you developed it. Well done.