Wednesday 15 January 2020



We made another Hot Seating for our character 'Gary'. We wanted to further develop this character because he has an interesting and in-depth background of being a War Photographer. Gary having this previous job has created challenges for himself to come over, however he does not help himself as he blocks everyone out. Gary's personality have shown through his blunt and emotionless character by not having a huge amount to say about his own daughters. We did a simple Q&A which is hugely effective to give an insight into the reality

We gave Gary questions to answer about his family especially his two daughters and his response showed a clear difference between the two.  He expressed his favoritism towards Emily and the lack of for Alice showing an evident divide within the family dynamics. This has been evident when asked about Emily he says 'better' and that she is more of a 'success' and when Alice is mentioned he is more cold and blunt. 

The last questions asks about his previous job and Gary shows a clear hatred towards this and snaps and becomes very angry when he is asked further about his previous job. This suggests that being a War photographer has mentally effected him year later. 

Behind the scenes 

We shot out Hot Seating on a Canon 370 as well as a Tripod, which gave us the accurate height at the eye level of Gary. This makes the conversation between the interviewer and Gary more personal giving a realistic feel which produces useful insight into the character. The location of this hot seating was in my Dads study which includes a desk, harsh lighting and pieces of scrap paper, this setting will allow the character come to life to show his hard working and emotionless presence shown by the dark room. Gary is also presented in a suit that he wears daily which also shows his importance in his job within the big central city of London

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, team! You have shown great initiative and creativity in securing such an appropriate and confident actor for the part. You have clearly prepped well for the shoot. Well done all round.
