Don't Look Now was voted the best thriller; even though this is an older
piece in 1973, the cinematography and screenplay was outstanding.
This opening will be useful to help prepare and give editing
techniques and cinematography to use.
opening slowly starts with the children playing outside whilst the
parents are inside leisurely relaxing. The setting has a quick turn
around when the young girl down in the back garden pond in her red
jacket. Throughout the opening scene the directors use motivated
edits. These edits can imply that the parents neglect their children
and they are the cause of the incident. One motivated edit that stood
out to me was when the young girl was wearing the red coat and
drowning in the pond, the parents inside spilled red ink that spread
out on a photo he was examining. The colour red suggests death, panic
and danger, and this cause him to run outside as he got a eerie inkling. From this, it can be showed to have an supernatural
film cuts between Laura and John and between close ups of the slides
which can be used as actual representation of reality. Whilst John
observes the slides Laura observes the frozen lake which foreshadows
the later death. As John looks at the slides this can be interpreted
the fabricated representation of space, this establishes the film's
investigation of the gap between perception and reality.
Perception in this opening can be what we see may not represent what
is actually there,the photograph. The frozen lake can show that there
is only partly represented by what we see.
concept of representation and reality can be a useful contrast to go
in depth within my up-coming short film. It will hugely attract
audiences as it isn't common within short films and this will stand
An interesting choice to study as this is not a short film but it seems that the cinematography interested you, in particular, the visual codes and the editing.