Wednesday 23 October 2019


From my Audience Questionnaire, the results show more males (57.1%) than females (42.9%) took this survey and the majority where under the age of 35 (71.4%). 
The most surprising results I have found is that the majority chose Talk Shows (50%) to be the most influential platform to suede there opinion. The platform that scored the lowest is News articles (14.3%), this question shows a clear divide between social media and the old fashioned newspapers. I will use this information to further extend my social media platforms to engross the majority into my short. 

The results below intrigued me as a unique story line received the most results (50%) and the setting got (0%). This will make me think about our story line to make it engaging as possible such as including twits or leaving my short on a cliff hanger?
The setting having no answers shows its the least important to worry about even though it is crucial within a short, it is still the least effective towards my audiences. 

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