Wednesday 11 March 2020



This short film is a bout a teenage girl who experiences supernatural events whilst suffering from the losses of her family members. Every day the girl, Alice wakes up and finds a family member missing form her family photo in which she keeps on her wall. However, there is speculation whether she is suffering from mental illness and can't separate reality and imagination. Or it is her father suffering from PTSD from being a war photographer and taking his crippling anxiety and fear out on the family.

Below is my Researching, Planning, and Construction phase for my creation of Silent Voices. I have used various platforms throughout the process such as Twitter, Instagram, Final Cut Pro, Canva and Prezi.

I have also shown my process of the creation on my short film which involved editing, directing  and camera work. 

Editing -I helped throughout the editing phase of Silent voices by adding in the cross dissolves and the voice over audio ect. I mainly helped out with the editing and making of our Film Ident that is shown at the beginning of the Short. Throughout the making of the Ident we faced multiple challenges e.g unable to download the Ident from Giphy so we used QuickTime to screen record rather than downloading the visual. I used various platforms within the making of the Ident which enabled me to gain more knowledge throughout this process. 

Camera Work -We took turns with the Camera Work, however I was unable to show much participation within this sector as I was the protagonist in front of the camera acting in most of the scenes. However, for the scenes that I was not in e.g the scenes with Gary and Emily, I was behind the camera using various camera work such as tracking shots, shot verse shot and over the shoulder shot. 

Directing - I directed for the majority of the time however I also acted in the film as the protagonist, Alice. I was able to do this by directing each scene by a detailed, structured plan for each scene and shot. This made our Short to be fluid and easy to follow through as well as understanding the concept of our film.We used a Shot List to create fluidity and a developed story line. 

Tuesday 10 March 2020




Throughout our Short we have depicted an average, ordinary family within an middle-class, cosy house. A home connotes safety and consolation however the truth behind the family dynamics is the polar opposite. We have shown the family sitting around the table displaying a united family who cares for one another which is another juxtaposition. The mise-en-scene portrays a complete and a wholesome family however through editing, sound and lighting it creates a different meaning of secrets and a danger. We then try and show moments where cracks start to appear throughout our film. The place where people would usually feel the safest, would be you bed. The most pivotal moment is from Alice's bed where she realises what her dad is doing. We used mise-en-scene to connote and symbolise metaphorical issues that we have expressed throughout our Short film. This can include the house being represented as an uncomfortable and damaging place to live in where as in reality a home should be a place of comfort and a safe heaven. Another example is through symbolism of doors. This has been shown within our Short Film in the end scene by Alice closing door behind her to make her feel safe and comfortable within her home. 

The Father 
Another example of the symbolism we have shown in our Short has reflected through the father presenting his authoritarian personality. This mise-en-scene shows tension and suspense in the house by presenting a family member missing each day. The father, Gary, is keeping secrets which is shown by the photos that scribbled out the picture of the mother which can conveys the hatred and tension within the family dynamics. This shows how the father is plotting and has private plans within his secretive life. He has his own setting e.g his study which is completely private allowing no other family members. This shows his authority and power within the household. 

We created tension through shadows and we believe it engages the audiences by increasing the atmosphere in the scene as well as tension  and suspension of the relationship between Alice and Gary. The shadow also expresses how  Gary have the authoritarian role by looking down upon the children and making him a powerful and impacting visual

We used the symbolism of doors to allow Alice to escape the reality and escape the emotional abuseShe closes the door of her bedroom and slides down it slowly, showing how the only place she feels safe is her bedroom. She has no where else to go and does not know what to do, as when we leave her, she is crying at the bottom her her bedroom door.


ISSUES OUR FILM FACES by Georgie Clements


Psychology Behind TypeI have researched and constructed the title of our Short through the use of typography and the effect it have on the content. Typography is all about adjusting the text within the design while creating powerful content. It provides attractive appearance and preserves the aesthetic value of your content. It plays a vital role in setting the overall tone of a website, and ensures a great user experience. I found this image very useful to expand my knowledge about different types of font and there meanings behind it. I also found it very enticing how their is psychology behind the font making a personality trait come alive through a visual textual code. So within our Short Film, we wanted to express a bold and a powerful font to create the meaning behind the words Silent Voices. We wanted to express how the father has silenced the daughters from speaking aloud the truth. 

We decided to use this type of font for 'Silent Voices' to catch the audiences attention by making it in bold as well as all the letters in Caps Lock. Caps Locks have been previously used in other famous films such as 'Brides Maids' and 'Shaun Of The Dead'. This shows that there if an influential effect that Caps Locks are used for film titles. The contrasting colours of black and white links to my Film Postcard by carrying the title throughout 
my Promo- Packs.

Before the black out we used the visual codes of the father talking to the doctor about getting Alice sectioned. Silent Voices then fades over the background video which links the content with the meaning of the title.This engages the audiences to connect the two together which increases the engagement and excitement of the Short Film. 

Saturday 15 February 2020




My Film Website URL:

I will be comparing my Film Website research to the actual final website. Within my Film Website I involved many codes and convention of a website such as social media, web banner and interactive elements ect. As well as composing research through of short film. that I used which is a useful source to further extent my knowledge about Short Film. I also analysed three Short Film Websites and I used all these research to make my final Film Website.

The outcome of my Film Website has many beneficial and effective features e.g using the house theme colour following on form my postcard. I also involved multimedia elements, behind the scenes images and Character development of our main protagonists. However there are negative aspects as well such as not including Navigational Features and Flash Elements; these would make the website more interactive and engaging.




This is where we compare my research of my postcard to my actual final postcard and see the difference. Within my research I composed certain conventions of a Film Postcard, this includes, the Tag Line, Positive Reviews and awards ect. As well as analysing three postcards that advertise their upcoming short. I needed to research the codes and conventions of professional Short Film and use their knowledge to create my own postcard.

The outcome of my postcard has many positive aspects e.g including the house theme colour as well as the tag line, contrasting colours, social media links and many more. However negative feedback has been gathered and this includes the lack of reviews and production credits. Another negative aspect could be that the creation is too simplistic, however simplicity can go a long way and be effective to
attract audiences.


Twitter Page -
We created a Twitter account called No Name Production. We did this as a way to potentially reach a wider audience, which would in turn allow more people to view our short film. Similarly to our Instagram it has behind the scenes shots of how we created the short film, as well as having the release date in our bio.
We have the No Name Production Ident as our profile picture in both our Instagram and our Twitter, it is a clear and easy to see picture. It is noticeable and therefore the audience will be able to recognise it easily.
Here is a link to our Twitter:

Instagram Page -
We created an Instagram called No Name Productions in order to market our short film out to the public. We also showed behind the scenes shots of filming and making the film. This gives insight into the production of the movie for the audiences and the viewers of the movie. 
It also shows how we shot some of the movie shots, by showing the actors, whilst also showing the tripod and camera filming them. Our Instagram also features how we set up shots, such as our first post which showed how we filmed the photo changing each day.

Here is a link to our Instagram:

Thursday 6 February 2020


The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is a non – governmental organisation, founded by the film industry in 1912. It is a company responsible for the national classification and censorship of films exhibited at cinemas and video works.

For our film we decided on giving it an age rating of 12A, as there aren’t any scenes in it which would upset younger viewers, but there can be some uncomfortable scenes which follow Emily's distressing journey on figuring out what has happened to her family so children under 12 might need to be accompanied.
To make our own certificate we used photoshop which we found very quick and easy to use. We found a template online and added in our own film title and description of the content of the film, so in this case we added "moderate language and disturbing scenes". We changed the coloursize and font of the writing to make it look suitable and more professional. We also took out parts of the template which we didn't need and that didn’t apply to our film.

Wednesday 29 January 2020


These four image shows our development through the making of our Ident.  When making our Ident we originally had the idea of having Emily having her finger over her mouth, making a hush sound and looking directly at the camera. We thought this was a great image as it builds up Emily's mysterious,dark character. We also make the video in black and white creates the audience to immerse into the actual image rather the colour distracting the audiences away from the meaning behind the picture.
We created the Ident for our film and named the production studio 'No Name Productions.' The last take of Emily hushing gives a sense that Emily is over watching everything, this convention is shown though the effect of the CCTV camera, which creates a sinister tone. For our last take, we used Giphy to allow us to use the Glitch filter which makes our production name jut back and forth adding an eerie and menacing setting. 

However, then we had difficulties when trying to download this GIF, we were unable to do this. We then adapted and used 'QuickTime' to screen record our GIF. QuickTime was an easy and useful software to allow us to produce our final Ident. We then moved all three takes into 'Final Cut Pro', this is where we composed the three clips together making this a smooth transitions of shots. 


Wednesday 15 January 2020



We made another Hot Seating for our character 'Gary'. We wanted to further develop this character because he has an interesting and in-depth background of being a War Photographer. Gary having this previous job has created challenges for himself to come over, however he does not help himself as he blocks everyone out. Gary's personality have shown through his blunt and emotionless character by not having a huge amount to say about his own daughters. We did a simple Q&A which is hugely effective to give an insight into the reality

We gave Gary questions to answer about his family especially his two daughters and his response showed a clear difference between the two.  He expressed his favoritism towards Emily and the lack of for Alice showing an evident divide within the family dynamics. This has been evident when asked about Emily he says 'better' and that she is more of a 'success' and when Alice is mentioned he is more cold and blunt. 

The last questions asks about his previous job and Gary shows a clear hatred towards this and snaps and becomes very angry when he is asked further about his previous job. This suggests that being a War photographer has mentally effected him year later. 

Behind the scenes 

We shot out Hot Seating on a Canon 370 as well as a Tripod, which gave us the accurate height at the eye level of Gary. This makes the conversation between the interviewer and Gary more personal giving a realistic feel which produces useful insight into the character. The location of this hot seating was in my Dads study which includes a desk, harsh lighting and pieces of scrap paper, this setting will allow the character come to life to show his hard working and emotionless presence shown by the dark room. Gary is also presented in a suit that he wears daily which also shows his importance in his job within the big central city of London

Tuesday 14 January 2020


This post will contain detail for our father role in our up-coming short film. The character, 'Gary' has a hard hitting past of being a war photographer, catching moment he may not wanted to have seen. Within these images, they can express the story behind each photograph that connotes a whole moment in history. Within one simple image a wave of emotion can follow impacting the audiences. 

We have used many sources of previous photographers to express their work and their experiences, such as the website Newseum, content of current winners of the Pulitzer Prize as well as war photographs, a YouTube video of Chris Beale who is a former photographer

Newseum is one of the oldest and the most prestigious photojournalism programs and competitions in the world. Each year they organise an award, 'Photo of the Year' which recognises excellence in photojournalism, multimedia and visual editing.

Newseum also explored different aspects of the current affairs to educate younger adolescence. The main objective that Newsum want to spread is freedom, and that the role of a free press in major events in history, and how the core freedoms of the First Amendment : religion, speech, press, assembly and petition, apply to their lives.
Newseum has kept up-to date by hosting this award many years running as well as keeping the website up to date by containing many visuals and links they can use to provide information about Newseum; for an example, they have made a YouTube video announcing the new Pulitzer Prize Winner.

2017 Pulitzer Prize Winner 2017.

I have chosen the Pulitzer Prize Winner 2017, because of the realistic touch to the photograph which almost acts to be alive. The emotion behind this is immense. The contrast between the young who's laying still with a tear rolling down his face, looking hopeless; whilst the rushed doctor is panicking to help this child. The effects of the photo being in black and white impacts the emotion behind the photo it will make the shape, lines and textures prominent.

1. The Dead of Antietam (1862)

This war photograph is very well known as the shocking image of 70 shot soldiers are dead in the field. Andrew Gardener reflected the reality of the Civil War expressing the huge impact it had. It was hugely shocking to the public as it is the first time dead soldiers had been photographed on a battlefield. It was when Gardner later put them on display in New York City, the horrors of the Civil War, which before had only been seen in paintings, finally became apparent to Americans. This image was a huge eye-opener to the public. Photographs can have a voice to express the reality of situation as well to display the emotion. 

Chris Beale- July 2018 

Chris Beale throughout this You tube video expressed the experiences of the lives of the Rohingya people from Myanmar and their struggle to survive as refugees in Bangladesh. Beale described his time spent documenting the refugee crisis as it unfolded in Myanmar and Bangladesh as well as the current situation in these two countries. Chris Beale has experienced life first handily as a photographer. This video will help provide information for own production and relating it to own character, 'Gary'. Beale allows us to gain a greater understanding of his insight and how his characteristics can be used in Gary's personality.

Monday 13 January 2020


Hot Seating 

We made a Hot Seating to develop our Protagonist, Alice and her sister Emily. We filmed this on a Canon 370 using a Tri-pod to give a good balance and angle. We also used Final Cut Pro to edit the clips together as well as adding Cross Dissolves to make the transitions as smooth as they can be. We have made a Hot Seating to give further knowledge on the characters personalities this will hugely entice the audiences in.  A hot-seating will help the actresses become more familiar with their role. We asked more personal questions to make the actresses consider the characters more in depth. 

We used the two sisters to show the 
contrast between the two even though they are family. Emily comes across to be the star of the family, the girl who can't do wrong even though she has a sharp and snappy tone to life. Where as Alice has a soft side and wants to please everyone even though she isn't happy herself. The bitterness between the two sisters adds more depth into the average family's relationship. 

We also have used 
minute details such as Alice fidgeting with her hands and her rings to show her anxiousness and unsettling feel towards the counselling session, as well as her scrunched up posture to cover her insecurities. Where as Emily has a bolder appearance with a more open and relaxed character to show her bold personality this is shown by her confidence through her open body language

Thursday 2 January 2020


Creating a props list is very helpful as it makes it clear on what all of us need to buy, have and bring to the filming sessions and what to include in our short film. Adding props in make a scene feel more authentic or help actors play their role more adequately. Even though our props are small they add a realistic element to our film. As we are filming in a house we need to make it as homely as we can which props will help immensely. 
The props I am going to need include:
  • Family Photo
  • Mug
  • Alarm Clock
  • TV
  • Other photos of friends and family on desk


For our Risk Assessment, we have grouped together dangerous hazard that we believe can cause a greater risk when filming. We have identified the hazard and justified strategies to reduce the hazard. Finally we added if it was a low or high risk. With this analysis this will give us a full picture on what we may expect and can prepare ourselves for.

  • Danger coming from falls or slips - Tripping over objects on the ground and injuring yourself. We can reduce the risk of this occurring by wearing appropriate footwear and being cautious. This is a very low risk level 

  • Weather - When filming outside we need to be prepared for all types of weather. As well as to wear appropriate clothing to prevent being cold. We can prevent this by planning ahead and checking the weather a day or couple hours before. This is a low risk level

  • Making our way to destination - Making sure that roads are clear to prevent any danger from oncoming vehicles. We can prepare and be safe for this by checking every time we cross a road by looking both ways before walking out. Low risk level


Planning: Call sheet 1


Shoot date: 11th and 12th January 2020
Location: Home of cast members GC and CC
Crew: RB, GC and CC (all phone numbers and emails have been exchanged)
Camera Equipment:
- Manfrotto Tri-pod
- Battery
- Camera bag and protective lenses
Lighting equipment:
- Flood Light
- Photo
- Tea mug
Wardrobe for GC: Comfy/pyjama clothes, casual day to day clothing
Wardrobe for RB: Pyjamas, casual day to day clothing